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About Your Primary Tradelines

 A CPN number, also known as a Credit Privacy Number or Credit Profile Number, is a nine-digit identification number used by some individuals for financial purposes. It is a unique identifier assigned to individuals who want to separate their personal credit history from their business or other financial activities. CPN numbers are primarily used in the United States.

 The  primary purpose of a CPN number is to provide individuals with an  alternative identification number for credit-related transactions. It  allows them to keep their personal Social Security Number separate from  business dealings or other financial matters. By using a CPN number,  individuals can protect their SSN from potential risks associated with  sharing it widely.

 Privacy Protection: A  CPN number allows individuals to keep their personal Social Security  Number confidential and safe.

Business Separation: It allows for better  organization and helps prevent negative business credit affecting  personal credit.

Credit Repair: For individuals  with a history of poor credit, a CPN number can be used as part of a  credit repair strategy. 

Loan Applications: Separate  personal credit from business credit or to establish credit under a  specific entity. Credit Applications: When  applying for credit cards or other forms of credit, individuals may use a  CPN number to keep personal and business credit separate. Rental Applications: CPN  numbers can be utilized on rental applications to establish  creditworthiness for your personal business profile.

Tradelines detail the activity and state of a customer's account. Names of businesses the applicant has accounts with, dates accounts were opened, credit limits, kinds of accounts, amounts owed, and payment histories are all part of tradeline information. 
We are pioneering the way AU tradelines are transacted using technology to efficiently serve 700+ clients per month.

We offer over 100 primary tradeline accounts to give you and your clients access to one of the largest primary tradeline inventories in the market.  Our services are designed to not only boost your credit score but to open a world of financial opportunities for you.  By choosing primary tradelines, you can significantly enhance your credit profile. This method is a powerful tool for improving credit utilization 

ratios, diversifying credit accounts, and extending credit history. Such improvements are pivotal for anyone looking to secure loans, benefit from lower interest rates, obtain higher credit limits and avoiding the stigma of labeling your profile as a authorized user. 

Our team is dedicated in helping you navigate your credit improvement journey .  Our experts, with their deep

 understanding of credit systems and finance, are here to guide you every step of the way.  We meticulously select high-quality primary tradelines that promise the best outcomes for your credit score, ensuring that you receive reliable effective solutions tailored to your financial goals and granting you credit approvals.

Business Credit is credit that is obtained in a Business Name. With business credit the Business builds its own credit profile and score. With an established credit profile the business qualifies for higher tier credit while you continue to build business credit.  We help you understand and meet underwriting requirements that lenders and credit issuers have so you will get APPROVED depending on your current EIN’s legal position. 

We can get credit with NO PG if you have personal credit issues. Additionally, we can set up a hybrid Credit Privacy File as a PG on the new Corporation to protect your SSN credit file for retirement.

We assist in establishing you build business credit for your EIN with 1st tier Trade line Approvals and 2nd tier Business Card Approvals based entirely on your business credit.  No matter who you are or where you 

come from our business advocacy program gets you ready for funding!  We can register a secondary credit number with the IRS to use as the Personal Guarantor that has a 700+ FICO score. You will have Triple the borrowing power since your SSN credit will be separate from your Credit Privacy File / PG’s business credit & PAYDEX© Profile. Your company has an individuality that sets it apart from every other business on your street, in your town, and around the world.

 You want to establish a Business Credit PAYDEX© Score ASAP!  You need a strategy that gets your company the credit it deserves while reducing personal liability legally. You deserve one-on-one attention that addresses your specific goals from a team that has helped establish and build business credit successfully with many successful businesses over the years.


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Credit card companies and credit bureaus are responsible for maintaining and reporting your credit profiles. 

What you are about to Learn;  is one of the big secrets the banks, credit bureaus and credit card companies, Don't Want You to Know.


First of its kind information, Exposing their LOOPHOLE !!!

The purpose of this information is to show you how to add primary trade lines to your credit report. The method you will learn is the same technique that banks, auto dealers, credit repair professionals, and trade-line resellers use. We will show you how to use various credit card companies to place. 

primary trade lines, on credit reports.  This IS NOT UCC!!  The credit bureaus automatically receive all account information after it is reported by the credit card companies.

(14) Real;  Rent, Lender, Mortgage Trade-lines. 

This purchase is perfect for those who require a credit score or looking to boost your credit scores.  You will gain access to 14 mortgage reporting tradelines, rental, and lease history primary tradelines. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your credit profile. .. 


14 Backdating tradelines with up to 2  1/2 years of history and report up to $2,500 for each tradeline account. .


After  you receive your CPN, the first thing you need is a credit score.  To get a  credit score, you will need a reporting account that can produce a credit score.   








 Complete the quick and easy pre-approval process in minutes (NO credit check and no credit scores).


Once your information is verified, you’ll instantly receive a physical credit card and line of credit up to $10,000


Access money when you need it, withdraw cash, build your credit, and achieve a stronger credit report with a real line of credit


No credit checks; no haggling no gimmicks!  


Access up to $10k Real Auto Tradelines; Fast and Easy Approval Process.


Learn the step-by-step process of writing your primary tradelines. Learn where every state allows the writing of primary tradeline accounts.

Knowledge is Power.
Many readers use this ebook to increase their existing business, start a new business, add additional services to their business or maximize the knowledge of seasoned professionals... Learn how to access specialized knowledge to save or earn money.

Are You Looking to Fire Your Tradeline Provider? Looking to become the Plug? Are You Seeking to Start Your Own Business? Are You Ready to Learn "What They Do Not Want You to Learn?"


This Purchase Includes: "Detailed," Step by Step Instructions, Screenshots easy to read PDF ebook, Screenshots, Copy and Pasted Illustrations; Showing You What to Do. 

Learn The Step by Step the Process of Writing Primary Tradelines
. Learn How and Where Every State Allows the Reporting of Primary Tradelines and Secured Party Transactions. 

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Fund • a • bil • i • ty [ adj. Fuhnd-uh-bil-i-tee ] You won't find "Fundability" on, so don't bother looking.  

Fundability is a phrase we've coined to describe how a business measures up in relation to the entire lending and investing community. How fundable is your business? Simply put, Fundability is a measure of how lenders, investors, vendors, insurers, and suppliers view the risk of extending credit and/or services to your business.  

Let’s Break Fundability Down Into Its Parts:  

Part 1 – Compliance Setting up properly and completing the 20 compliance items that most lenders require prior to a loan being approved. In terms of Fundability, this is simply saying that your business has paid attention to the details and addressed all of the items that every real business should.  

Part 2 – Strong Business Credit Scores
Building strong credit scores with all three national business credit reporting agencies: Experian Smart Business, Dun & Bradstreet, and Equifax Small Business Financial Exchange.  

Part 3 – Optimal Credit Usage Establishing a 1-3-5, that is one bank loan, three business credit cards, and five vendor lines of credit that are not associated with you personally and do not show up on your personal credit reports.  

Part 4 – Comparable Credit

Getting vendors or non-traditional lenders to grant your business a credit line that is comparable in size to the loan you are seeking from a bank or traditional business lender. This can be accomplished in many ways. For instance, through a vendor willing extend a $25,000 credit line to your business or through a $50,000 lease line of credit to be used for specific equipment. The bottom line is that most traditional lenders do not want to be the first to take a chance on you.  

Part 5 – Business Viability

Being able to show that your business is not only credit worthy but also "viable" for its industry and market segment. This means the business model and plan you present to the traditional lender needs to make sense and show the ability to service the loan. Simply put, lenders want to know that they can get paid back.

Our Business Credit Building System guides you step-by-step through the first four parts of Fundability. Parts 1 – 4 are all about making sure your business is set up right, shows optimal credit usage, has strong business credit scores, and is given access to comparable credit. For Part 5 we provide you with our time tested workbook, “How to Prepare and Present a Successful Funding Request”. It provides all the tools necessary to test your own Business Viability and then shows you how to project that viability for lenders.

By improving the Fundability of your business, The Business Credit Building System is doing more than just helping you build strong business credit. We are improving the overall "health" of your business while greatly increasing your ability to succeed now and in the future.

The day your business obtains its first bank loan is very much like the day you personally get approved for a home loan. It is the day, and the event, that makes all other lenders take notice and puts you on their credit map. 

Non-bank business lenders and credit providers know how difficult it is to get approved for a business bank loan. When they see a reporting bank loan on your business credit reports, it signals to the non-bank business lenders and credit providers that your business is for real.  

Too many business owners think that obtaining a business loan from a bank is an impossible dream. Well, it isn't. Our Business Credit Building System has a proven method for obtaining your first business bank loan and a list of the banks that have worked with thousands of our members in both extending and reporting those loans.  

Just having a bank loan is only one way your business banking relationship affects your business credit, including your ability to get approved for vendor credit lines and business credit cards. The single most important factor is the date you opened your business checking account.  

Most business owners assume that the day they incorporated or filed for their business license is the day their business began. This is simply not the case. Business lenders consider the date you opened you business bank account as the actual start date for your business. So, if you incorporated in 2002, but opened your business checking account in 2007 then, as far as lenders are concerned, your business started in 2007.  

Another way that your business banking relationship is vital to getting approved for loans can be found in your Bank Rating.

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Business Credit Guru "Loan Officer Edition":  Developed for Business Credit Lenders

Do You Need To Establish $50K-$250K In Cash or Credit; Without Using Personal Credit? Do you want $16,000 in Business Credit Within Weeks; Without Any Use of Your Personal Credit?The Business Credit Guru Lender Edition is: 176 Pages of Lenders, Banks, Tips, Recommendations, Instructions and  Website Addresses; of all the Vendors and Banks I've ever used in  creating business credit.  

Looking for a cheaper alternative to getting real business credit and  loans.  As mandated by FCC, SEC, consumer protection, and serveral other  regulatory protections, "If you are not licensed to give; tax, legal,  financial or loan advice;" You Can Not Give Such Advice!  So therefore  due to these regulations; when so many of our readers, clients,  affiliates contact us and ask for such advice; we are restricted not to  give such advice.  


Our Response to Our Clients and Readers Was to Release a Complete Tell All Business Credit Ebook:  176  Pages, Broken down by state and category covering, loans, lenders,  business credit card lenders, shelf corp, business structures, and  financing from A-Z.

 If Your Looking to Get Loan Approvals and Financing: "I Fully Endorse This Ebook!"    This Ebook is not a ebook which give a bunch of generic business credit  terms and definitions; THIS EBOOK IS; written to provide and help  readers develope Financing, Loans, and Business Lines of Credit!  

Building Business Credit Is Not Rocket Science:   As many of the “Gurus” will like you to believe. It is simply a process  and you need to know the process and a couple of small tricks; that  only come from experience.  

Business Credit Lender & Loan Officer Program: starts off with the basics and covers everything from setting up your  company correctly, to acquiring Multiple $50,000 lines of credit.

The Business Credit Program (Loan Officer Edition) Will Show You: how to lease or buy a car under your business name within as little as 5  months with little to no money down and how this is  all done without  the use of your personal credit.  

You Will Also Learn:

1)  The basics on Business Credit   

2)  How To Get Corporate Credit Cards Without Your Personal Name Attached To It.   

3)  Buy or lease Cars and Trucks with a 5 month old corporation and no personal credit.   

4)  Establish $50,000-$250,000 of Cash or Credit with No Use of your Personal Credit  

5)  Step-by-step instructions for setting up your corporation or LLC.   

6)  A step-by-step guide to build business credit from scratch 

7)  How to get a good PAYDEX score with a brand new corporation.   

8)  How to get Shelf corporations that are 3+ years old for as little as $300.   

9)  List of vendors offering business credit without using your personal credit.   

10)  Learn to build business credit reports so you can obtain cash lines of credit   

11)  Build Business Credit To Start a Corporation   

12)  176 Pages of Everything You  Need When Building Business Credit, Getting Buisness Credit Loans, and  Estabishing New Business Lines of Credit!

If you'd like my proven plan for getting all the money you need for your business I�d like to present to you...

The Business Credit Jumpstart System.  A Step-by-step System For Getting Money For Your Business.  Without Risking Your Own Personal Credit Or Having To Ever Walk Into A Bank!
 If you want to get money for a "rainy day" or to change what you're doing right now, learning how to get unsecured credit for your business can jump you right to where you want to be in no time. "Even though my credit score wasn't great, I chose to participate anyway.

Trade lines of credit were quickly given to me. Over $125,000.00 has been credited to my business in just 7 months.   The best part was that using my business credit to pay off my personal loans to the company. That took away all my stress.    Hi, John COVID-19 San Juan areaEven so, I was able to leave in less than 90 days with over $93,000 in business credit that I could use for almost anything.  You can copy my success because this system explains the exact same methods I used.  This is how you get all the money you need quickly and easily. It's the core of the system. This book walks you through everything you need to get started making money right away.  On its pages, you'll find my personal plan. I'm happy to give it to you so you can raise money for your business the same way I did. I know it works because I've used it. And by following the steps in the manual, I've seen other businesses change right in front of my eyes.  You'll find the following inside: 


How to get all the business money you need in 5 easy steps, without using your own credit, showing your financial records, or even going to a bank. (You can really do anything you want with it!) 

What you should do before you try to get any kind of unsecured business credit and why your personal credit doesn't matter.  (Make a mess of this, and your credit could suffer. You can make as much money as possible if I show you the right way! 

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As Long As Your Business Credit Profile is Well Built; This purchase will provide you with Millions of Dollars in RIGHT NOW LOAN  FUNDING.


 Take the time to build your profile before submitting any loan or credit application. 

Your Purchase Includes:

  • Lender List $1,000,000 in Lender Funding... 
  • Many Easy Approval Commercial Business Lenders...
  • How to Corp Build Up Instructions. 
  • And So Much More!!!
  • Fully Endorsed and Guaranteed to Help Secure Business Credit Funding and Financing!!!

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 The business credit reporting agencies will grade your business's creditworthiness based on its credit scores. In a similar fashion, banks and other traditional lenders will grade your business’s ability to repay based on its Bank Rating. Your business bank rating is determined by the average daily cash balance you maintain in your business checking account over a few months.  
Build strong business credit scores with all 3 credit!  Our economy needs businesses to succeed. Now more than ever, your business needs to have a strong business credit profile that is separate from your personal credit.   Protect, Grow, Succeed!  You will have unlimited access to our proprietary database of reporting vendor lines of credit and business credit card providers. You will know exactly what they require to approve your business before you apply.   Your business needs its own good credit scores to obtain loan funding; we can help! So What Does Our Business Credit Building System Guarantee?  We guarantee that if your business follows and completes all 6 Steps of our Business Credit Building System that your business will build strong business credit scores with Equifax small business financial exchange, Experian Smart Business and Dun & Bradstreet.   Since 2005 we have helped thousand of businesses and not once has any business who has followed our instructions and completed our six steps ever failed to build strong business credit scores with EquiFax, Experian and Dun & Bradstreet. That means that if your business follows our steps you too will have the same results.  So if you follow our business credit building steps your company will build strong business credit scores, that are separate from you personally. That is what we guarantee.   TODAY ONLY; You will receive both; "How To Purchase a Shelf Corp Under $100.00, AND Business Credit Builder Program!  You have an opportunity to receive the best business credit ebooks available!  We have seen countless amount of individuals use our ebooks to find and secure Aged Shelf Corps as many as several per week; and use our information to either start their own Aged Shelf Corp resell business or use their Shelf Corp to move forward and get financing not using their SSN but using the merit of the company.  But more times than not we have seen person find and secure Aged Shelf Corps, but they have several follow up question about How To Build Business Credit!  

Married people who run a business together can easily double the amount of credit they can use for their business. (Most people get this wrong!)

How to save thousands on setting up an entity or corporate structure, chose the right one best for you, and what’s the difference between LLC, Inc, S-Corp, C-Corp, sole proprietor and partnerships.


 Why you should NEVER be a sole proprietor—(if you’re currently  doing business as this right now you MUST do something about it ASAP.  I’ll show you what to do and how to do it.)


Why a D&B number is the most important number for your business. What it is, how to get it for free, and how to make the most of it are all things I will let you know.

Do you know the difference between business credit, trade credit, and personal credit? How can I make the most of each? (I'll show you how to get trade credit and lines of credit for your business even if your personal credit is terrible!)

Take out as many business loans as you can, no matter how old your company is. I'll show you what you need to do to fund your business, whether you've been open for ten hours or ten years. I will even tell you a secret 100% legal loophole you can use to improve your chances of getting credit.


Plus a lot more! This is only a small part of what the manual talks about. I've broken the system down into steps that are simple and easy to understand so that you can start right away when you get the manual.  

Additionally, the manual is sent to you digitally, and you'll be able to download the whole system right away. It doesn't matter what time it is—you can start right now!The whole Business Credit Jumpstart System costs $297.00 when you add it all up.   Being honest, that's not a big deal when you think about how much it can help you and your business if you know how to get unlimited funding.

A Simple Step-By-Step Plan For Making Money!

To the Business Owner, If you want to get business lines of credit for your company, this is the right place for you, whether you are just starting out or have been in business for a while. Getting money to start, keep going, and grow is one of the hardest things for many businesses, both new and old. Statistics from the Small Business Administration show that 95% of businesses fail in their first five years. And the main reason is that there isn't enough money. So, I wanted to make sure you were really ready to start your journey to getting credit whenever you need it... and quickly! Because of this, I've come up with a way to do things that works backwards for you. This is what I've made...

A simple, step-by-step plan for making money! Now you can get business credit quickly by following the few easy steps I'll show you.

You can do this WITHOUT...
Using your own credit

Giving tax records or financial statements

And ever going to a bank and talking to a loan officer
You need money if you've been in business for any length of time. I'll show you where and how to get the bad credit loans you need to make your dreams come true.
A small or medium-sized business that is having trouble can benefit from unsecured credit. This type of credit can help your business get back on track and give you the extra "slack" you need to do so. You can now rest easy at night knowing that you have the most money and buying power possible. You should pay your own salary, pay off your debts, buy the tools and supplies you need, pay off your bills, hire a team (so you don't have to work 70-hour weeks), and do whatever you need to do to make more money without worrying about money. And if all you have is an idea or a dream, you can get a lot of unsecured business credit to help you build a strong base to begin with.

Business Credit Secrets De-Classified

The Information You are About to Purchase Was Created From The Most Current Technologies; and During The Toughest Credit Periods by The Most Seasoned Business Credit Professionals...
Guaranteed Purchase; 148,000 Downloads 

The Core Principle of The Business Credit Secrets Declassified is;  Obtaining Loans  Accessing Credit  and Securing Funding 


  • 14 Backdating tradelines 

  • up to 2  1/2 years of back-dated history.

  • Up to $3000 a month in reported obligation
  • 14 accounts that report up to $2,500 for each tradeline account. 

    " If you want the whole game, this purchase is specifically tailored for you. "

    James T.   AZ

 Easy to Read, Easy to Understand E-book with Detailed Instructions and Clear Illustrations.

Write your very own tradelines with limits ranging from $1.00 to $1,000,000 Dollars or more. Primary Tradeline Accounts.


Buy Now; All Sales are Instantly Downloaded. Every State in this Nation offers access to UCC, UCC-1 and Secured Party Transactions.

 You Just Need the Information Showing You What to Do....

This is not the authorized user process.


We use credit card companies because they automatically report information directly to the credit bureaus; 


virtually reporting anything we want them to report..



Using Business Credit to Secure Loan Funding

About Your CPN Credit Options




